
Thursday, April 19, 2007


Are you scared of something?

Most of us dread numbers, did you know that this fear is called Arithmophobia. And did you know that if you were afraid of money, it is called Chrematophobia and its Paraskavedekatriaphobia for fear of Friday, the 13th. More such interesting phobias…Fear of..

Accidents – Dystychiphobia
Ageing – Gerascophobia
Automobiles – Motorphobia
Burglars – Scelerophobia
Begging – Hobophobia
Black(colour) – Scotomaphobia
Body Odour – Bromhidrosiphobia
Bridges(Crossing) – Gephyrophobia
Cemetries – Coimetrophobia
Clocks – Chronomentrophobia
Crowded Rooms – Koinoniphobia
Crowds – Demophobia
Dancing – Chorophobia
Darkness – Nyctophobia
Demons – Bogyphobia
Dentists - Dentophobia
Devils, Evil spirits – Demonophobia
Doctors – Latrophobia
Dogs – Cynophobia
Dolls, Children - Pedophobia
Dreams –Oneirophobia
Dryness – Xerophobia
Dust – Amathophobia
Empty Spaces –Kenophobia
Enclosed spaces – Clithrophobia
Failure, Defeat – Kakorrhaphiophobia
Fat(Becoming) – Obesophobia
Fire – Pyrophobia
Food, Eating – Cibophobia
Foreigners, Strangers – Xenophobia
Ghosts – Phasmophobia
God, Religion – Theophobia
Gold – Aurophobia
Heights – Acrophobia
Ideas – Ideophobia
Imperfection –Atelophobia
Insects – Entomophobia
Laughter – Gelophobia
Left(handed) – Sinistrophobia
Mother-In-Law – Pentheraphobia
Light – Photophobia
Long Waits – Macrophobia
Marriage – Gamophobia
Meat – Carnophobia
Memories – Mnemophobia
Men – Androphobia
Mirrors – Catoptrophobia
Moon – Selenophobia
Noise – Acoustiphobia
Number 8 – Octophobia
Overworking – Ponophobia
Pain – Algophobia
Politicians –Politicophobia
Rain - Ombrophobia
Reptiles – Herpetophobia
Shadows – Sciophobia
Sleep – Somniphobia
Stage Fear – Topophobia
Women(Beautiful) – Venustaphobia (!!!!)

Now that you have read through the list, did you know that Fear of Words is called Logophobia and Fear of Fear is called Phobophobia.

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